Retiring Abroad: What Are The Financial Implications? Part 1
Retiring abroad does create complex personal finance issues regarding cross-border payments, investments, taxes, and healthcare decisions.
Retiring abroad does create complex personal finance issues regarding cross-border payments, investments, taxes, and healthcare decisions.
Rather than pay attention to these useless oracles, we stick to a disciplined investment strategy that has delivered predictable long-term outcomes through different types of—unpredictable—market environments: diversify across asset classes and ride out the cycles.
This is among the most common questions we receive from clients, many of whom are either already retired or nearing retirement. It is an important issue and one that often prompts investors to seek out professional help from an advisor.
This increased deficit and a resilient job market made investors worry that the Fed would continue raising rates or, at the very least, hold them “higher for longer.” The result was a “bear steepening” of the yield curve, whereby the last few months saw a continuation of the defining trend of the past 1-2 years: a relentless rise in interest rates.
Whether you're embarking on the quest for a financial adviser for the first time or have been working with one for years, it's beneficial to grasp the primary categories and what these professionals can offer you.
Don't get distracted! (...) Small or large crises regularly crop up and cause investors to question the future of the markets.